Social Emotional Learning

Curriculum Review & Sample Lessons

GOAL #1 : Provide researched proven tools for guidance in positive change and support in areas of:

A. Improved positive social behavior      B. Reduced problem behavior  C. Reduced emotional distress  D. Improved positive identity development and agency E. Improved school connectedness F. Improved school climate G. Improved academic performance H. Improved SEL skills and attitudes       (ex. Gratitude, flexible mindset etc..)  I. Improved teaching practices 

GOAL #2 Full transparency: Physical content that parents or shareholders can view and review if desired. Content that is consistent, and free from political agendas or topics intended for home.

GOAL #3:  Physical products that are hands on, screen free, and match the Waldorf philosophy of learning.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ****CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO REVIEW SUGGESTED LESSON TOPICS OR TO SAMPLE A LESSON FROM THE CURRICULUM IN REVIEW