


In the first three grades, the content of fairy tales, fables, and stories of the Hebrew people underlay all of the subjects that the children study.  

In the fourth grade students study Norse mythology and local history. 

In the fifth grade begins the study of  ancient history and cultures of the peoples of India, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, Chaldea, Egypt and Greece including their myths, monuments, and everyday life. 

In grade 6, students begin to study historical events and time lines. They study ancient Rome, the fall of the Roman Empire and the birth of Europe in the Early Ages. 

Many important biographies are told from different spheres of life as students in grade 7 study European history, Age of Exploration, and the Renaissance.

Through the study of historical facts and literary texts the grade 8 students learn about the American Civil Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, World Wars 1 & 2, and include current history.